Interior Painting
Significant improvement can be achieved by simple upgrades in interior paint. Paint is a versatile way to change the entire atmosphere and mood of an interior space. Using one color for and interior area is one posibility, however you can lighten the space by painting the ceiling white. Accent walls to match your pictures or furniture is also a great idea.
We can help you transform your interior space to any inspiration. We start by meeting with you and hearing your ideas and budget and work with your ideas and make your project a reality.
We can help you transform your interior space to any inspiration. We start by meeting with you and hearing your ideas and budget and work with your ideas and make your project a reality.
Exterior Painting
Here in Northern California Exterior Painting can be an adventure. The most important reason to paint the exterior of your house is to protect your investment. All of our exterior paints include an inspection and caulking any areas of concern. The concern being weather and extreme measures we must take to keep the exterior of our homes solid for years to come. Weather exposed wood has a multitude of problems that occur.
When you hire a professional painting company you have their expertise at your disposal. We check for cracks and areas of wood that require additional surface preparation. We use an all purpose primer where necessary. We recommend Benjamin Moore paint. It is available locally in Arcata California at Hensel's Ace Hardware. There are other paints that will cover but if you want that beauty and luxurious finish with the durability, a higher quality paint is essential. And the bottom line is effected due to the additional time and additional coats the cost effectiveness is lost.
When you hire a professional painting company you have their expertise at your disposal. We check for cracks and areas of wood that require additional surface preparation. We use an all purpose primer where necessary. We recommend Benjamin Moore paint. It is available locally in Arcata California at Hensel's Ace Hardware. There are other paints that will cover but if you want that beauty and luxurious finish with the durability, a higher quality paint is essential. And the bottom line is effected due to the additional time and additional coats the cost effectiveness is lost.

Phil Bellomi & Carolyn Sunseri
North Coast Painting
Lic. 885115
Cell: (707) 407-5595
Message: (707) 839-8174
Bonded and Insured
North Coast Painting
Lic. 885115
Cell: (707) 407-5595
Message: (707) 839-8174
Bonded and Insured